Jews And Christians Pray Together At The Dismantled “Wall” – Dr. Ray Gannon
This article first appeared in Enrichment magazine Spring 2004 (pages 2)
To download full article CLICK HERE.
Spending a season of prayer at the Wailing Wall at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount a
few years ago, I witnessed the arrival of an enthusiastic group of Koreans for
prayer. Focusing on one of their party, they laid hands on him and prayed with old-fashioned
Pentecostal exuberance for him to become Spirit-filled. I watched curiously
as several rabbis and security guards came around the now sole Korean still ecstatically
speaking in tongues with his face against the Wall, as tears of joy and shouting
tongues poured forth. The rabbis studied him closely from all angles with looks of
complete bewilderment. Finally some turned to me and asked, “Is he Jewish?”
Jews And Christians Pray Together At The Dismantled “Wall” – Dr. Ray Gannon
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