The National Jewish Fellowship (NJF) is a nonprofit networking organization to the greater Messianic Jewish Community and the Gentile Body of Messiah worldwide. We operate in association with the Assemblies of God and are committed to the preeminence of Yeshua as the Messiah and empowerment of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) in all aspects of our Fellowship.
Our mission:
The NJF exists to provide support and encouragement to those in the field of Jewish Ministry and Jewish Believers worldwide through forums, conferences and publications. We seek to formulate strategies, teachings and leadership development while fostering Messianic Jewish life and awareness.
Our History:
The burden for the National Jewish Fellowship began with the understanding that less than 1% of the world’s Jewish population has received her Messiah. With this continual burden, the vision was born among laborers in this vital field of ministry to unify our efforts.
Our purpose:
The purpose of the NJF is to proclaim the truth of Yeshua as the Messiah, to establish Messianic Jewish outreach and communities, and to serve as a resource to the Assemblies of God General Council and the greater Body of Messiah.